OWASP Top Ten Web Application Issues

When you want to look at web application security, one place to start is the OWASP Top Ten list. This list, which is regularly updated, contains the most common issues found in the web applications today. It can serve as a guideline to make sure that your own applications are well designed, implemented and tested and do not expose your data and your reputation to the hackers.

Most of the issues stay on the list pretty consistently, trading places from year to year. For example, SQL injection has been in the first place for many years now and is one of the most prominent issues plaguing web apps. Another one is cross-site scripting, which thanks to a widespread awareness, has been dropping down the list.

For anyone who develops or maintains web applications (sites, portals, CMS systems, etc.), it is crucial to understand the issues on the Top Ten list and actively work to ensure they are not present in your code. You can find the full list below:


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